Small Business Idea


Most Profitable Food Processing Projects and Agro Based Business Ideas for Startup

Most Profitable Food Processing Projects and Agro Based Business Ideas for Startup

By In News On August 28, 2019

The food processing industry has been slated for accelerated growth. It is projected to be a futuristic industry and it is anticipated that, over the years, it will emerge as a leading player in the global markets. As a result, the industry is seen to be witnessing feverish activity.

The true potential of the food processing industry is slowly being realised. This is reflected in the fact that the government has classified food processing industry as a thrust area.

The industry’s gains have been confined mainly to the urban consumers in the domestic market. Of the total production of fruits and vegetables, a mere 2.2% is processed,

The government has drawn elaborate targets under its national policy aiming at increasing annually the level of food processing at 10% by 2010 and to 25% by 2025.

Ginger Processing (Peeling, Drying, Grinding, Bleaching of Fresh Ginger)

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